The Teas
Tea types come in what is known as the big three (black tea, green tea, white tea) where other teas sort into as each belong to a tea family. (All facts and health information is provided by and
Green Tea
- Made with steamed tea leaves when brewed.
- Full of antioxodants that heal and help the body against clogged arteries, burns fat, and reduces the potential of strokes.
- Benefits the mind by counteracting oxidative stress located in the brain and lowers the rish of Alzheimer's.
Black Tea
- Made with fermented tea leaves when brewed.
- Carries the highest caffeine content than all other teas.
- Benefits the body by protecting the lungs from ill effects of smoking cigarettes and reduces chance of having a stroke.
White Tea
- Basic form comes uncured and unfermented as opposed to other teas.
- Has the highest properties of figthing against different forms of cancer as compapred to the other tea types.